Good post all true, have to be MS at 23 according to TPT, the clique thing I have seen it and experienced it and then all the expectations of being 'spiritual'. My way of fighting back was to go sit waaay up front with the fart during prayer rejects and be as eccentric and unconventional as possible. A big FU to the borg and all the attitude remember it's hip to be square and to do your own thing, to be 'brazen' oh my, oh dear !
I've seen what JW marriage could of been and although a few opportunities came my way I ended up staying single as I knew I wouldn't last in the Borg, sort of like the brother with the 1976 expiry date story. Did his time, didn't happen got up and left hahaha ! : Being married in the org to me sounds like being married to : wife, cult, congregation, elders and as the girl above quoted to "headquarters" YUK
Feeling ill right now, think I'll go lie down a little..